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Most Popular Seafood in the UK – Online Seafood Delivery

Online Seafood Delivery Seafood

Most people across the UK are avid seafood eaters; they love chowing down on sushi and fish and chips. Therefore, they often leverage online seafood delivery services to get their favorite fish delivery right to their doorsteps. In today’s blog, we will look at some of the most popular seafood in the UK.

The big five fish species

The inhabitants of London enjoy the following five species of sea creatures:

  • Cod
  • Haddock
  • Tuna
  • Salmon
  • Prawns

These five species make up approximately 60% to 75% of all seafood eaten in the UK. All the other seafood, such as crabs, shellfish, lobsters and other crustaceans, fall in the remaining 25% to 40%. Of course, different sources give different figures for the exact percentage, but the Big Five still rule the seafood industry.

Wondering why most of the fish delivery services are delivering these fishes only?But why do Brits prefer these particular species? Primarily, it’s due to their culinary habits. Cod and haddock, for instance, are whitefish with flaky, mild-tasting flesh, making them popular choices for traditional dishes like fish and chips. These species are often sold as fillets and coated in breadcrumbs. Meanwhile, tuna and prawns are favoured for their convenience, often canned, peeled, or pre-prepared for ease of cooking. Salmon is also commonly sold as chilled or fresh fillets, making it a hassle-free option for home cooks.

On the other hand, tuna and prawns are preferred in cans and are usually sold fresh or frozen but have been peeled, shelled and prepared. Salmon is also traditionally sold in chilled or fresh fillets as most of the British public prefer pre-prepared seafood and a hassle-free cooking experience.

What are the impacts of consuming the Big Five?

The high demand for these five species has put immense pressure on their populations. Intensive commercial fishing has led to dwindling stocks of cod and haddock in particular. The overfishing of these species also negatively affects other species, like whiting, dab, and coalfish, which are often caught unintentionally. Despite being perfectly edible, these by-catch species are undervalued by consumers and frequently discarded back into the sea—usually dead. Stocks of cod and haddock have dwindled around the UK due to intensive commercial fishing of these species. And even if caught by mistake, these fishes are thrown back in the sea dead simply because they are unwanted.

What can be done to prevent this?

Reducing the dominance of these “big five species” is the only way to enable sustainability. If the fishing pressure is spread across a wider number of species, the marine environment will become so much better. To allow the stocks to recover, you can switch your orders and try the low-value species. Once the customers start valuing these species, they will not be thrown away dead as a by-catch but retained in commercial vessels.

The onus is also on the fishermen because if they continue to fish using destructive methods, like beam trawling, then the efforts of the seafood eaters towards sustainability will be futile. Therefore, they are also expected to use non-destructive methods of fishing, such as pole-and-line, to source the fishes responsibly.

Alternative Species to Try

To help ease the pressure on the Big Five species and promote a more sustainable approach to seafood consumption, consider trying some of these alternative species:

- Hake  

- Sardines  

- Mussels  

- Clams and Cockles  

- Coley

Not only are these species less in demand, but they’re also delicious and offer excellent nutritional benefits. By choosing them, you’ll be contributing to a healthier marine environment while discovering new favourites along the way!

So, next time, whenever you order seafood online in the UK, remember to try some less popular species too. You might get your new favourite, you never know!   Call us on 01472 566000 or send us a message if you have any questions on our products.

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