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Seafood Diversity: Why is Expanding Your Palate Necessary?


There has been a lot of buzz going around sustainable fishing in the UK. Fishers are encouraged to adopt responsible fishing practices that are less harmful to our delicate marine ecosystem. But did you know that you can also contribute to the preservation of the marine environment through sustainable eating?

Understating seafood diversity

Over the last century, both seafood production and consumption in the UK have risen exponentially. Many businesses have now started to offer seafood home delivery to meet the ever-increasing seafood demands of customers. It goes without saying that this has resulted in marine resource depletion. So, in addition to reforms in fishing practices, seafood consumption must undergo significant changes as well.

As consumers, you may consider yourself a passive individual who cannot do anything about this critical situation. But the truth is that you do have a role to play, and it is a very big one. Since consumer demand influences seafood supply, you are an agent of change. So, what can you do to make the situation better? One way is to use seafood diversity.

The basic idea is to include a variety of seafood in your diet and to broaden your palate. Many seafood lovers are unaware of the variety of fish caught by fishers, and thus, many protein-rich species go unutilized. When it comes to online seafood delivery, you might only consider the Big Five—Cod, Haddock, Tuna, Salmon, and Prawns. Unfortunately, consuming only a few sea creatures puts a massive strain on those species, resulting in a shortage among seafood wholesalers in the UK. If these consumption habits do not change, the renewable sources of protein that satiate millions of people will be lost. 

Other benefits of seafood diversity

Of course, seafood diversity benefits the marine ecosystem, but it can also benefit you. Many seafood lovers are unaware of the many health benefits of seafood diversity. If you mix your seafood orders, you will benefit from various antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Although all fish are packed with nutrients such as omega-3, selenium, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, protein, and iron, the amounts of these nutrients can vary significantly from one species to another. Having a variety of seafood will allow you to get a good mix of all of these nutrients.

Furthermore, seafood diversity will save you from getting stuck in a food rut. Trying different varieties will make your meals more exciting and keep your taste buds stimulated. As each type of seafood has a distinct flavour profile and texture, eating it will be a completely new experience for you. Can it get any better than this?

Seafood Direct has a large selection of fish that you can order using our seafood delivery services in the UK. We make sure that all seafood lovers receive the freshest fish. Visit our website today to place an order for a fish you have never tasted before. And if you have any questions about our seafood delivery, you can also give us a call at 01472 566000.

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