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News — Can You Cook Shellfish on the Grill

Can You Cook Shellfish on the Grill? The Answer is Yes!

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Can You Cook Shellfish on the Grill? The Answer is Yes!

Are you tired of grilling steaks and hotdogs? Throw some shellfish on the grill—shrimp, lobster, clams, oysters, and mussels taste delicious when charred and smoked! Shellfish cook fast on the barbecue. It also has a delightfully sweet and smoky flavour. Grill your shellfish to perfection with these tips. Keep the Shell on Cook shellfish in their shells. The shell preserves the juices of the meat, giving it a great flavour and keeping it from drying out. Lobster: It is more humane to kill a fresh lobster before grilling it. If you buy frozen lobster, make sure to defrost it in...

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