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Seafood Home Delivery: One Option to Thrive In The Post-Covid Market

Food deliveries are one of the most significant technological advances of the last decade, and rightfully so. It is not hard to see the appeal of online food delivery; From wood-fired pizza to yummy blueberry cream cheese bagels, there is no comfort food or delicacy that you cannot find and order online from the comfort of your home.

And since the coronavirus has impacted the whole world and essentially locked everyone inside their homes, the demand for online food deliveries has skyrocketed. As countries are under lockdown, restaurants are delivering what people are craving for right at their doorsteps. And now, fresh meat and seafood have become the new star of the home-delivered food repertoire.

Selling Seafood On The Internet

From educational institutions to multinational companies, everyone has adapted to the digital ways of functioning in the present climate. The seafood industry is no exception. To survive in a market where there are limitations on mobility, seafood businesses had to use digital platforms for marketing their seafood.

Using these new avenues, seafood lovers can easily get those fresh fish and chips, potted shrimps or Ardglass potted herring and satiate their cravings without having to leave their homes. In fact, COVID-19 has led people who were initially reluctant to buy seafood without seeing it to choose this mode of delivery.

Home Deliveries Are A Necessity

When people were first ordered to stay at home, they used to purchase only the essentials (such as toilet rolls, beans, pasta, and rice) online. However, as the lockdown has continued (and seems like it will be here for just a little longer), customers had to fill their bodies with food with higher nutritional value. Then, they resorted to ordering from fishmongers offering seafood delivery in London.

This led even more seafood wholesalers in the UK to strengthen their online presence and join the home delivery trend. Even traditional fishmongers have turned to digital ways of taking orders and have created their own websites with digital menus, including various types of fishes, prawns, and crabs.

While this has helped the seafood marketers sell more and earn more, it has also helped people adhere to new norms laid down by their governments. As people do not have to visit stores to buy seafood, the chances of infections have also drastically reduced.

Proper Handling & Storing Is Essential 

If you deliver stale seafood, you are only fuelling people’s negative perception of online seafood delivery. But if you have an organized packaging and storage management system, then the seafood you sell will remain in a top-notch shape.

As seafood is perishable, it is crucial to store it in the coldest part of the refrigerator. The lower temperature will ensure that the quality of the food does not deteriorate. This way, you will be able to deliver good-quality seafood to your customers, and they will keep coming back to you whenever they feel like cooking something delicious and healthy.

Final Note

Why not try our beautiful seafood delivered to your door, you wont be disappointed. Contact us on 01472 566000 with any enquiries on our products available.

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