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Can you add seafood to your regular diet? Let's find out!

Seafood comprises all underwater animals, such as fish, shrimps, crabs, scallops, calms, and so much more.

And if you are wondering if seafood is healthy and should be included in your diet regularly?- the answer to all these questions is yes!

Most seafood is an excellent addition to your diet because it contains essential vitamins and minerals which are very much needed by the body. So, how can you add them to your daily diet- let's find out!

Benefits of Seafood

Great Source of Protein

Protein is considered one of the essential building blocks for the body's development and maintenance. But, as we said, protein is also necessary to develop muscle mass in our body and plate for a healthy life.

So, seafood can be a great option if you want to diversify your protein source. Experts suggest that adults should consume at least eight ounces of seafood per week for a balanced diet.

Rich in Fatty Acid

Apart from protein, seafood can also offer you Omega-3 fatty acid, a "good fat" that the human body needs but can not produce on its own. So you need to get it from other sources, and seafood is a great alternative.

Omega-3 fatty acid (is known to) reduce inflammation in the body, which further helps minimise the risk of heart disease, dementia, and other diseases.

Fish like herring, salmon, trout, and sardines are super rich sources of Omega-3 fatty acids.

Contains lots of Vitamins and Minerals

In addition to the above benefits from a fish, you also get enough vitamin B12, Selenium, Zinc, and Iron!

Calcium and Vitamin D, known for good bone health- is also found in seafood. 

So, having seafood can help you cover common nutritional gaps which people miss to include in their daily diet.

How do you add seafood to your diet?

You should know some factors before regularly adding fish or seafood to your diet. Let's learn about them-

1) Abundance or Sustainable

Always try to buy fish that is available in abundance or sustainably sourced. If you do not know which fish to start with, you can contact online seafood suppliers such as Seafood Direct for better guidance. They can help you choose or order suitable fish/ seafood farmed by environmentally sustainable means/ ways.

2) Frozen Seafood

Seafood is generally frozen at its peak freshness. So, you can also try frozen seafood without any worry. Just ensure the best-before-date of the packet.

Also, frozen seafood can be cheaper if you want to buy it in bulk. It also gives you ease to cook the way and time you want.

3) Avoid Fish/Seafood that is high in mercury

Last but not least, you must avoid fish/seafood in your diet that is high in mercury! For example, because of water pollution, tuna, shark, swordfish, tilefish, and king mackerel are high in mercury. Therefore, go with the option that has lower mercury content.

The Final Words

Decades of research have shown that regular consumption of well-sourced seafood in limited quantity is good for health. 

However, many people think about the safety of seafood given the situation of pollution and pollutant. For example, microplastic and industrial chemicals in the waterbodies can reach the food cycle of sea animals. Thus making them high in mercury and chemical contains.

But if you purchase seafood from professional seafood suppliers such as Seafood Direct, UK - you can always be assured of the quality!

Seafood Direct is a well-known brand in the UK for fresh and quick seafood delivery. They also supply seafood to restaurants, hotels, and big brands.

For quick order placement, call now at 01472 566000.

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