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5 Types of Seafood That Should Be a Regular Part of Your Diet

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Brits concerned about their health are always on the lookout for foods that taste amazing but are low in calories. If you also find yourself in the same boat, then here is a list of the five delicious types of seafood that are packed with a high amount of protein and other nutrients and elements essential for the body. You can cook them in any manner you choose and savour every bite of them. This list of exotic seafood can perfectly satisfy your desires if you are looking for better natural ways to get healthier skin and a fit body:...

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Buying Fresh Fish? Here Are Some Tips to Consider

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When shopping for fish, many Brits find it a daunting task — particularly if they are unsure of what they are looking for. On top of that, ensuring that the fish you buy is a fresh catch can seem like an added obstacle. The good news is that if you follow the advice given below, you will easily be able to differentiate good fish and bad fish in no time. Here is what we recommend you keep an eye out for: The skin The skin of a fish can provide you with a lot of information about how fresh it...

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The Importance of Sustainable Fishing

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Fish sustainability is one of those things that are generally not brought up in the UK. Still, it is a crucial topic — all the more so in areas with sensitive ecosystems or that rely on fish as part of their local economy. To put it simply, the idea of fish sustainability is to carefully study a native local fish population and ensure that the correct balance is struck between using fish for economic gains that benefit the local area and not harvesting so many that the ecosystem is decimated. Any economic impact would also be catastrophic for the economy...

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Four Reasons Why Fish is a Great Bodybuilding Food

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When it comes to the "best" bodybuilding foods in the UK, chicken and beef are often ranked higher than fish. Aside from canned tuna, the protein found in fish is not as highly regarded as that found in other types of meat. However, we believe that seafood should be given its due because it helps build muscle and is also a great way to maintain a healthy lifestyle. You can pick from almost fat-free fillets like flounder and sole or higher-fat variants like salmon — few foods on the planet are as rich in omega-3 fatty acids as salmon. We...

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How to Perfectly Cook Lobster Tail?

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Many Brits order lobster tails regularly since it is "fancy and difficult to cook at home." The fact is that cooking lobster tails at home is quick and straightforward — and oh so delicious! You can order lobster tails through our fish delivery UK service The most common mistake that amateur cooks make while making lobster at home is overcooking the poor lobster tail to death, resulting in tough, rubbery, and unpleasant meat texture and flavour. There are three main methods of cooking lobster tails that — when carefully followed — will result in a wonderful, tender, and delightful experience...

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